wound revelations

Business Hours

Mon - Fri

We cater to your need for clinical laboratory diagnostics, wellness, wound care, and general medical care solutions, with a huge dose of compassion!

Wellness Program

Optimizing Immunity and Wellbeing

wellness program

We offer a wellness programs that provides patients with the information they need to maximize healing and general well being. This approach to functional medicine can stand alone or work with traditional medicines to yield better results. We use hair follicle testing to provide customized results unique to each individual. The hair gets all of its nourishment from blood and lymph making this the most accurate way to really find out what goin on inside your body. The result will indicate what vitamins your body needs, what foods would help you most and a host of other important markers to maximize wellbeing. The ultimate goal is to provide patients what they need to minimize the effects of existing ailments and the side effects of the drugs they are using to treat it. Our service also provides support for the the generally healthy to maximize wellbeing creating a healthier existence.

Circulatory, gut health, immune system support, and frequency interference (cell phones & electronics) can affect our general wellbeing. Our program is designed to identify and address the issues. You will receive a report that will be your roadmap for maximizing your health. See example of a partial report below and contact us for more details.

wellness vitamins and foods
 nutrition supports
optimized nutrition

Contact us today to start your journey to wellbeing

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